AngularJS, Netcast

AngularJS End to End testing with Protractor Episode 001

This is the first episode in a revised series of videos about using Protractor to perform end to end test for AngularJS applications.

Since my original video back in August of 2013, the Protractor end to end testing framework has changed significantly. It has become easier to use, simpler to write tests and its functionality has increased.

This series of videos are a deep dive into using the Protractor testing framework to write end to end tests for your AngularJS applications.

This episode covers what Protractor is and how to install it into your application. It also provides a simple hello world style demo showing how to configure a project to use protractor and phantomjs to write end to end tests.

AngularJS, Coding, Netcast

Introduction to AngularJS Unit Testing

The November 2013 DFW Area AngularJS Meetup Presentation. This month we take a Test Driven Development approach to show how to write unit tests for your AngularJS components.

Jim Lavin covers creating a project from scratch using Yeoman and then adds functionality to a controller, service and directive using a Test Driven Development approach by writing unit tests which describe the functionality and then adding the actual code to make the tests pass.

Code for the demonstration is available at

AngularJS, Coding, Netcast

Introduction to the MEAN Stack

The DFW Area AngularJS Meetup for October 2013.

This month We’ll be covering how to use the MEAN Stack, (Mongo, Express, AngularJS and Node.js), to develop AngularJS applications.

We will be covering the following:

1. Installing the required tools; Node.js, MongoDB, Grunt, Bower, Yeoman, and various Yeoman Generators

2. Application workflow using the Yeoman Generators to create AngularJS and Express Components

3. Connecting to MongoDB via Express

4. Setting up APIs using Express Routing

5. Consuming APIs via AngularJS

Slides for this presentation can be found at :

Source Code for the app can be found at

Netcast, Windows Identity Foundation

Securing Your Apps and Services with the Microsoft Geneva Framework Part 6

This episode is part six of a six part series on securing your applications and services with the Microsoft Geneva Framework.

This episode’s topic covers how to modify your WCF client code to call a web service secured with the Microsoft Geneva Framework.

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Netcast, Windows Identity Foundation

Securing Your Apps and Services with the Microsoft Geneva Framework Part 5

This episode is part five of a six part series on securing your applications and services with the Microsoft Geneva Framework.

This episode’s topic covers how to secure a WCF web service using the Microsoft Geneva Framework and how to access the claims provided by the Active STS we built in Part 4.

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Netcast, Windows Identity Foundation

Securing Your Apps and Services with the Microsoft Geneva Framework Part 4

This episode is part four of a six part series on securing your applications and services with the Microsoft Geneva Framework.

This episode’s topic covers how to build an Active STS to use in web service call delegation.

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Netcast, Windows Identity Foundation

Securing Your Apps and Services with the Microsoft Geneva Framework Part 3

This episode is part three of a six part series on securing your applications and services with the Microsoft Geneva Framework.

This episode’s topic show how to use the Microsoft Geneva Framework to secure an ASP.NET application and access the claims provided by the Passive STS we built in Part 2.

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Netcast, Windows Identity Foundation

Securing Your Apps and Services with the Microsoft Geneva Framework Part 2

This episode is part two of a six part series on securing your applications and services with the Microsoft Geneva Framework.

In this episode we cover how to build a Passive STS to use in authenticating users in a federated scenario.

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