AngularJS, code.explode, Coding

Using Response Interceptors to Show and Hide a Loading Widget: Redux

In my previous post Using Response Interceptors to Show and Hide a Loading Widget I showed how to display a loading widget whenever an Ajax request started and hide it when all the requests completed by using a $http resource interceptor.

Unfortunately, I violated one of the core tenets of AngularJS’ best practices by modifying the DOM outside of a directive. I want to thank everyone who brought that to my attention and provided examples on how to clean up the code.

This post will walk through the revised code to show how to do it properly. I will also provide a second solution, that I think is even better structured, that uses a Publish/Subscribe pattern to encapsulate the whole messaging solution and keep the publishers and subscribers from having to know anything about the notification mechanism.

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AngularJS, Coding

AngularJS Modules for Great Justice

First off I want to thank Joel Hooks of the DFW Area AngularJS Meetup Group for suggesting this topic and providing the title.

“Modules provide an excellent mechanism for cleanly dividing up our code into functional areas. Angular allows us to use modules in many ways. Let’s take a look at modules and some of the approaches we can leverage to produce cleaner more manageable code.” – Joel Hooks

So with that, let’s get started.
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